

Roselynn Padilla

Executive Director

Roselynn is a senior pursuing a Liberal Arts degree with a minor in Special Education her main focus is marketing, graphic design, and visual communication. She is also active on campus working with the UNM Sustainability Studies Program.


Sterling  Sloop

Assistant Director

Sterling is a senior at UNM studying Speech and Hearing sciences. He is the assistant director at the ASUNM Arts and Crafts studio in the Student Union Building.


Amber Wood 

Ceramics Technician


Amber is a senior majoring in Biology with a double minor in Chemistry and Business Management. She is also active in a variety of organizations including UNM Pre-Vet Society, Advancing Women in STEM and many other clubs. She’s excited to meet you and be a part of ASUNM this year and can’t wait to introduce you to the possibilities and opportunities UNM can offer you.

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MSC03 2210
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Physical Location:
Student Union Building

Phone: (505) 277-5528