Two Budget Processes

The purpose of the ASUNM Spring and Fall Budget Processes is to endeavor to meet the financial needs of undergraduate chartered student organizations, service entities, and governmental offices at the University of New Mexico.

Each process performs a separate function in the types of funding that are addressed. The guidelines are as follows: 



The Spring Budget process is the main budget process and will provide for the basic operating expenses of groups for the upcoming fiscal year.  ASUNM will hold at least 3 budget workshops within the first 3 weeks of the spring semester to assist you with the process.  Attendance at a workshop is mandatory, and you will not receive a budget packet unless you attend one. Budget requests will be due the 4th Wednesday of the semester (usually the 2nd week of February). Once requests have been received, your organization will be scheduled for a hearing. An undergraduate representative of your organization must attend and present your budget to the committee. The Finance Committee will consider your request, more than likely make adjustments, and send it on to the Full Senate for approval. Your organization does not have to have representation in the Full Senate to defend your budget. Once the budget bill passes the Full Senate and has the signature of the President, your budget will be available for use starting July 1st for the next fiscal year.

Spring 2025 Budget Workshop Schedule:

Budget WorkshopDateTimeLocation
Workshop #11/28/20253:00 PMSUB Santa Ana A&B
Workshop #22/1/202510:00 AMZoom:
Workshop #32/3/20253:00 PMSUB Santa Ana A&B
Workshop #42/6/20254:00 PMZoom:


Spring 2025 Budget Deadline:
February 10, 2025, at 5:00 PM - You MUST attend one of the workshops above to be eligible to submit a budget.

Spring Budget Hearings:
The Spring Budget request hearing schedules can be found here. The two weekend of hearings will be February 15-16 and February 22-23, 2025.


The Fall Budget Process will attempt to provide for: the basic operating expenses of groups that missed the preceding Spring Process, the basic operating expenses of groups whose requests were zeroed out by the Finance Committee in the preceding Spring Process, and the basic operating expenses of new student organizations (who did not go through the Spring Budget process). If you received funding through the Spring Budget process, you shall not go through the Fall Budget Process.  ASUNM will hold at least 2 budget workshops within the first 3 weeks of the fall semester to assist you with the process. Attendance at a workshop is mandatory and you will not receive a budget packet unless you attend one.  Budget requests will be due the 4th Wednesday of the semester (usually the 2nd week of September).  Once requests have been received, your organization will be scheduled for a hearing.  An undergraduate representative of your organization must attend to explain your budget to the committee.  The Finance Committee will consider your request, more than likely make adjustments, and send it on to Full Senate for approval.  Your organization does not have to have representation at Full Senate to defend your budget.  Once the budget bill passes the Full Senate, your budget will be available for use when the ASUNM President has signed the bill and your organization has completed an SGAO Spending Workshop.

Fall 2024 Budget Workshop Schedule:

Budget WorkshopDateTimeLocation
Workshop #18/28/20243:00 PMSUB Santa Ana A&B
Workshop #28/31/202410:30 AMZoom:
Workshop #39/4/20249:00 AMSUB Santa Ana A&B
Workshop #49/6/202410:30 AMZoom:


Fall 2024 Budget Deadline:
September 9, 2024, at 5:00 PM - You MUST attend one of the workshops above to be eligible to submit a budget.

Fall Budget Hearings:
The Fall Budget request hearing schedule can be found here when it is ready. Dates and times of Budget Hearings and Deliberations will be determined by the ASUNM Finance Committee as needed.
- Finance Committee will notify organizations of needed edits by 9/11/24 by 5:00pm
- Applications with edits/corrections due by 9/13/24 by 5:00pm
- Hearings and Deliberations: September 14th and 15th.



If You Miss Both Budget Processes:

If your undergraduate student organization has missed both Budget Processes, or if your organization needs to request funding for items not available during the Budget Processes, please explore the Appropriations Process.