
Miriam Barba
Executive Director
Miriam is in their 3rd year studying Chicana/o/e Studies, Political Science with a minor in Public Service and is actively involved on campus with New Student Orientation, Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, INC., MEChA, and countless others. They are ready to help you create a community here at UNM and within ASUNM!

Andri Peralta
Assistant Director
Andri is a junior studying business administration with a concentration in marketing and a minor in communications. She is also active in her sorority called Chi Omega where she is on the exec board as a secretary. She is very excited to be a part of this amazing organization this year.

Lela Elliott
Volunteer Coordinator
Hi, I’m Lela and I’m the volunteer coordinator for CE! I am a senior studying Psychology and Communications. I enjoy interacting and collaborating with others and I’m looking forward to this year!