

Andrew Norton

Executive Director


Andrew is a sophomore studying Business Administration & Management. He is involved in many orgs such as Trailblazers, church groups, and politics. He is ecstatic to provide the students of UNM with great concerts, comedy shows, and many more events. Go Lobos!


Noelani Dixon

Assistant Director

Noelani is a sophomore studying film production and is also active in different student organizations on campus. She likes to volunteer and line dance in her free time. She is the assistant director of ASUMN Student Special Events and is looking forward to hosting events for all of you.


Clarissa Aldana

Speakers Director

Clarissa is a sophomore majoring biochemistry with a minor in Nutrition and is active in the Pre-Medical Society. She is super excited to interact and be apart of ASUNM Student Special Events that will be going on campus this year!


Angel Serrano

Cultural Director

Angel is a sophomore studying Economics and minoring in Public Service. He is ready as Cultural Director for Student Special Events to put on the most fun events that bring the UNM campus together!


Karis Daskalos

Sponsorships Coordinator

Karis is a sophomore studying Mechanical Engineering and Business. She is active in UNM’s Society of Women Engineers chapter, the UNM Choir program, and the Pi Beta Phi sorority. She is not only committed to helping cultivate community involvement but also create lasting memories in SSE and Emerging Lobo Leaders. She is very excited to open new leadership and promotion at UNM.


Melany Torres

Volunteer Coordinator

Melany is a sophomore studying at Exercise Science and minoring in Nutrition. She is this year’s volunteer coordinator for Student Special Events and she is the publicity chair for the Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Inc. She is excited to meet and guide students throughout the year!

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MSC03 2210
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Physical Location:
Student Union Building

Phone: (505) 277-5528