Lobo Spirit Staff

Lily Marquez
Executive Director
Email: lobosprt@unm.edu
Biography coming soon!

Kiera Rosenfeld
Assistant Director
Kiera is a sophomore studying Journalism and Mass Communication and is also active in Pi Beta Phi, Athletics Marketing as well as many other orgs on campus! She can’t wait to help create memories for so many Lobos!

Tino Muneri
Projects Coordinator
Hi my name is Tino, I am a senior studying Biochemistry. I am apart of LoboThon and the American Chemical Society here on campus. I'm really excited to be apart of ASUNM LoboSpirit and to give everyone the best experience with all of the events that we will have this year

Chanel Figueroa
Volunteer Coordinator
Chanel is a freshman studying Film and Digital Arts. She loves volunteering for different organizations and meeting new people. She is ecstatic to help out in any way she can while creating a welcoming and friendly environment.